not a pretty picture. not a good. not a bad. picture. but an argument.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


a year ago i took this picture
a year ago this house was standing in a stand of trees alongside the highway
could barely see it from the highway
had never noticed it before
but we made our way in and spent time taking pictures
considering the huge (i think) willows that lined the front of it
the boards, the paint, the light
what was still standing
what was beginning to fall

this year the house has completely fallen in on itself
and so too another house further on that we shot one year ago
one year, that's all

i wonder what it was that had it stand for 100 years or more?
and what was it that caused it to, within one year, fall?

one year
what the hell is one year?
or two or three for that matter?

i took this photo of myself for robert about a year ago
a rare smile photo, as my mouth is apt to go screwy upon scrutiny
it has recently surprised me that i look quite a bit older now
especially around the eyes
a couple pounds on to thicken my face

one year
what the hell is one year?
or two or three for that matter?

and yet, my god, the life lived and changed and lived and changed
one year i'll be standing
and then suddenly